A New Spin As brick-and-mortar falls prey to the Internet, innovative record stores stay one step ahead BY PETER LINDBLAD
Rule of Three There’s no formula for fame, but there is a roadmap for releases. PAUL AARONSON proves a theory
Kickin’ in Your Stall: We pay to see stars but sometimes just get a lightbox with pinholes
On The Record: Eric Clapton’s latest reveals a mature Clapton. Reflection is in the air with the decade’s end: Gov’t Mule’s Mulennium, Foghat’s Last Train Home, and Dax Riggs’ Say Goodnight to the World. Raul Malo sums it up: we’re all Sinners & Saints
Re.Issues: Terry Knight and the Pack packed it in to start Grand Funk Railroad, but not before producing two collectible albums. Miles’ masterpiece, Bitches Brew, sounds young and fresh at 40, while Allan Sherman is just plain fresh
Pet Sounds: Young music, old format; Ali Green looks for new music and finds it on vinyl
Get A Grip: Merry Christmas, bring on the cheer. Now, damn it!
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning: Jimmy & David Ruffin poured their soul into music
What’d I Say: Some artists spark a fire, others keep piling on fresh fuel. Here’s to the Keepers of the Fire
Also Appearing: Watch the DVD (Nils Lofgren, Leonard Cohen, Jackson Browne), plan your festivals (Pitchfork, Rhythm & Roots), or kick back with a book (Sonny Rollins, Five Hundred 45s)
Collecting: What makes a collectible? Arnie Goodman provides case studies
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