Experimental music and performance art ensemble, Cyphered Threads, weren’t content to make an album about love, loss, family, friends—the typical topics. Not even close. For their upcoming LP, Human Observations In Space Time, out October 28th via BNS Sessions, they tackle nothing short of “consciousness and having the ability and courage to question, think and analyze critically, process and reason. Ancient rituals, ceremonies and subliminal socio-political commentaries.”
To dive into those deep waters, they employed an artistic process they’ve been practicing since the group’s inception in 2007. Led by performance artist and vocalist Kika Von Klück, core members and a rotating cast of guests develop songs from what they call “Action Performances,” in which songs are performed in a free flowing, loosely structured environment, the artists encouraged to improvise and interpret the piece in the moment. Ernie Indradat recorded, engineered and mixed the album between Stormy’s Cabin in Westtown, NY, Echo Canyon in Hoboken NJ and Ernie’s in Jersey City, NJ, with the help of producer Matthew Millar.
Today, Elmore is premiering “Uni,” a piece from the second of three chapters into which the album is divided. Vocalist Kika Von Klück is supported on the track by guitar player Millar, bassist Michael Liska, drummer Colin Ryan and percussionist Shawn Butler. Von Klück says of the piece, ““Uni,” the first single off this album, is a call to questioning the established psychology of fighting violence with violence throughout this world while trying to find a collaborative way for resolving conflicts creatively. It starts off with a down-tempo, jazz pop feel and then gradually ascends into a wild frenzy of dirty distorted rock.”
The first half of the track features spaced out, meditative instrumentals, Von Klück’s rich, earthy vocals floating above them at a lazy pace that pays homage to Nico. Halfway through, the track picks up, Von Klück’s drawl turning into a passionate shriek; “refashion the fabric of family and state,” she intones frantically, a melodic guitar riff and driving percussion keeping pace as the track builds to its crescendo.
Connect with Cyphered Threads via their Facebook, preorder the self-titled release via iTunes and listen to “Uni” below.
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