Artist: Corb Lund
Album: Things That Can’t Be Undone
Label: New West Records
Release Date: 10/09/2015

Despite a decade long career and some eight albums amassed in his catalogue, Alberta, Canada’s Corb Lund still remains something of an enigma to many of those residing south of our northern border. It’s a shame, because he and his erstwhile outfit, the Hurtin’ Albertins’, have been responsible for some exceptional Americana, sounds that remain reverent to past precepts while leaning headfirst into contemporary designs. For some time now, Lund has made it evident that he has all the makings of a star, and his signature stance naturally seems to affirm that fact each and every time out.
Lund’s latest, the boldly imprinted Things That Can’t Be Undone, is his most fully formed effort yet, chock full of songs that make a decisive impact even on first listen and resonate fully from that point on. Lund’s music is fully resolute, often reflecting the twin themes he regularly writes about — the impact of military and a reverence for ranching, the latter borne from family tradition — that appear with regularity every time out. The former has its obvious implications in two of the album’s most compelling entries– “Weight of the Gun” and “Sadr City,” each of which benefit from rousing sing-along choruses and a decidedly dark delivery. Lund is a master storyteller, and the characters he creates help meld a bond that makes these melodies all the more gripping.
Still, it doesn’t take heady narratives to allow these songs to fully sink in. The pensive “S Lazy H,” the jaunty “Run This Town” and the twang-infused rockers “Alt Berliner Blues” and “Goodbye Colorado” all testify to the diversity of Lund’s motif. In fact, there’s not a single song here that doesn’t demand an intensive hearing. Lund’s cool Canadian attitude is clearly contagious and indicative of an artist whose squinty eyed perspective ought to ensure that closer connection.
– Lee Zimmerman
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