Artist: Beth Nielsen Chapman
Album: Hearts Of Glass
Label: BNC Records
Release Date: 4.27.18

Although there is no title song on Hearts of Glass, there is loads of heart. This veteran Nashville tunesmith’s name has sat in parenthesis under names like Elton John, Bonnie Raitt, Tanya Tucker, Willie Nelson, Michael McDonald and many more. Steel hearts turn up here, too, on Beth Nielsen Chapman’s 13th studio album, for example in her remake of “Life Holds On,” a precious piece on the strength of the will to live. I first heard that one about 20 years ago and just listened to it again for comparison. The new treatment brings the lyric to an even stronger focus. Life is countered by hearts on life support in the sad repeating destructive relationship in “Rage On Rage.” Actually there are several other songs reprised here, all with a much sparser treatment. Beth credits turning over full production control to Sam Ashworth for the way this record sounds. By stepping out of the producer’s chair and letting someone else drive, she said, “I ended up with not only something I loved, but I learned a lot about myself and the places I could go.” I would add that it’s hard to go wrong when the songs are so strong.
With a voice that reminds me at times of both Carly Simon and the late Kate Wolf, this is a very enjoyable listen. On repeated listenings, there have been times I have wanted to skip over the drama in “Rage On Rage”, yet stayed for the artistry in the production of it. I wonder if the sequencing decision to follow it with the sentimental “You’re Still My Valentine,” was to help calm the listener down a bit? Valentine has a beautiful melody that makes you think of standards by the great tunesmiths of Tin Pan Alley.
As for the new places Beth has gone here, I would say this project takes her above the parenthesis, placing her on that same line with the icons for whom she has been providing great material for decades.
—Ken Spooner
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